During our annual trip of visting the graves of some my ancestors and of loved ones who have pasted. We visited the graveyard where my grandfather is buried along with my uncle and an aunt, along with alot of other relatives that are distant in relation.The veterans in this cemetary did not have a flag on their graves, this is not right , I know it is a small cemetary but still these people who fought deserve some rememrance on this holiday and a flag place on the grave to honor them.
I decided to visit some of the homes I remember when I was a lot younger, I am not saying wiser.We visited the one in grovespring, mo where I lived for about 6 months and remember fondly ,It was there My dad shot a lizard that was crawling up the wall and it was there when my mom`s horse was called a sick-um horse ( u know when you say sick-um and the horse goes after whatever). We tried to visit the house in grovespring where my grandparents lived , but we couldn`t find it. It was a beautiful home with columns in front, no running water on the inside, a goldfish pond across the dirt road, along with a graveyard there as well.We thought we found it ,but not for sure ,the house was no longer there, but the barn was.
The other houses I visited online last night thru googlemaps, oh how things have changed since I was younger and growing up. The house on Hasbrook is not there where I spent my elementary years I walked to school in those days and we were able to go to church during one day of the school week , no this was not a private school.
This farm is located in the beautifull Ozarks.Where chickens and ducks roam. I will tell of my family , which include 2 daughters and 1 husband plus the animal variety ;which include chickens,ducks, dogs, cats ,and whatever else comes up, I will also tell about my gardening
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I got chicks....
My Dark Blue Cochin banty that was sitting has hatched out , I forgot what eggs I put under her, but I know for sure their was 3 welsummers, she still has 2 left, she hatched out yesterday I found a small snake under the nest box ,so I know what happened to the other baby. The other 2 chicks are feather footed, 1 white nad 1 black, so proably 1 out of the frizzle pen and one of the other cochin pens.My incubator is hatching out as well, so I have decided to try and see if she will raise all the babies for me ,so no heat lamp.The eggs from the bator are mostly banty cochins and frizzles along with a few others.
On the ducks...I have a total of 4 muscovey hens setting. Lavender is under the porch, Mascara is in a hole under a tree stump ( from last years tornado),Elizabeth is setting down by the garage, blue eyes under the old chicken house.Tow of the hens are not setting, thank goodness, but Taylor is looking for a place to lay.Lavender should ,I think start hatching out this weekend or next week sometime.
My girls found 3 baby kittens someone must have drop off, 1 male and 2 female, 1solid white one and 2 yellow and white. The male kitten helped himself to a couple of my baby chicks ,I hatched from the dark eggs I had bought.
On the ducks...I have a total of 4 muscovey hens setting. Lavender is under the porch, Mascara is in a hole under a tree stump ( from last years tornado),Elizabeth is setting down by the garage, blue eyes under the old chicken house.Tow of the hens are not setting, thank goodness, but Taylor is looking for a place to lay.Lavender should ,I think start hatching out this weekend or next week sometime.
My girls found 3 baby kittens someone must have drop off, 1 male and 2 female, 1solid white one and 2 yellow and white. The male kitten helped himself to a couple of my baby chicks ,I hatched from the dark eggs I had bought.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Yesterday was a long day, first off I butchered 3 roosters that I didn`t need. 2 were silkies, chicken soup for them.
I went to town and on the way back ,it rained, rained , and I don`t mean just slight sprinkles, I could not see the yellow line ,besides, pea-size hail..I pulled over and as soon as I pulled over it slacked off.I called my husband and he forgot to put down two windows and was afraid that the inside the house was gonna get wet, this was a pop-up storm.I proceded to pull out again comes the rain and pea-size hail for another couple of miles ,..then thankfully it slacked off. I pulled onto our dirt road and rounded the corner and our road was a big old creek, or river water everywhere ....I said a little prayer and proceded down the road almost to the slab, in which the water was going over pretty good,....said another little prayer and proceded thru the water..I didn`t stop...needless to say I got thru the water..called husband and told me I was at home and he asked what the problem was ..I told me the road was washed out badly....And I was at home..I looked in the rain guage and it had 2 inches in it.We got 2 inches in 30 minutes. My hubby finally came home and said how do you get thru the road ,his little s-10 drug on the road.He called the county commisioner and told him he couldn`t get out and he came over and checked out the road and had someone graded the road.
I was gonna worked in my garden today and try and finish my 8 x 8 bed and plant some sugar snap peas, but because of the rain it is way toooo muddy.We are suppose to have a chance of rain again today.
I went to town and on the way back ,it rained, rained , and I don`t mean just slight sprinkles, I could not see the yellow line ,besides, pea-size hail..I pulled over and as soon as I pulled over it slacked off.I called my husband and he forgot to put down two windows and was afraid that the inside the house was gonna get wet, this was a pop-up storm.I proceded to pull out again comes the rain and pea-size hail for another couple of miles ,..then thankfully it slacked off. I pulled onto our dirt road and rounded the corner and our road was a big old creek, or river water everywhere ....I said a little prayer and proceded down the road almost to the slab, in which the water was going over pretty good,....said another little prayer and proceded thru the water..I didn`t stop...needless to say I got thru the water..called husband and told me I was at home and he asked what the problem was ..I told me the road was washed out badly....And I was at home..I looked in the rain guage and it had 2 inches in it.We got 2 inches in 30 minutes. My hubby finally came home and said how do you get thru the road ,his little s-10 drug on the road.He called the county commisioner and told him he couldn`t get out and he came over and checked out the road and had someone graded the road.
I was gonna worked in my garden today and try and finish my 8 x 8 bed and plant some sugar snap peas, but because of the rain it is way toooo muddy.We are suppose to have a chance of rain again today.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Butchering time in the ozarks
Well, I just butchered two of my extra roosters ,I could not get rid of so,in the pot they go. They are gonna make excellent chicken n`dumplings. I just have 4 more roosters to go to butcher.Both of the girls just stood out there and watched. The two roosters that I butchered were from last years hatch of dark eggs I had bought, I sure wished they were hens instead of roosters, which sealed their fate.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
update... ramblings..
Both of my girls are officially out school. They will be going to summer school ,as this does help my oldest daughter with her school work.I can not beleive she will be in the
8th grade next year, my she is growing up.They will probably not be summer school next year because of the states funding. I think this is wrong, summer school helps out some of the children in their studies..and they have fun while learning.The children get to visit places they wouldn`t be able to go to otherwise or that the parents don`t know about, anyway enough on that subject.
The annual balloon lift was stunning as usual, green and white balloons floating into the sky. The school has this once a year .The balloons are attached with the child`s name and the school address, so whoever finds it can send a letter back and state where they find at.
It has been raining about every day here. We are getting the rain now ,but in July and August when we need it , we probably won`t get it.I will watering my garden then every day.
I lost my job, so I am in the process of looking for another, not neccessarily in the healthcare field.I need to support my habit of raising chickens and ducks.I think my husband needs to start working again and let me find something parttime and spend time with my girls. I know it is gonna be hard to find a job in this ecomony, but With these headaches every once in a while,(in which I had another bad one the other day just walking down the road).
8th grade next year, my she is growing up.They will probably not be summer school next year because of the states funding. I think this is wrong, summer school helps out some of the children in their studies..and they have fun while learning.The children get to visit places they wouldn`t be able to go to otherwise or that the parents don`t know about, anyway enough on that subject.
The annual balloon lift was stunning as usual, green and white balloons floating into the sky. The school has this once a year .The balloons are attached with the child`s name and the school address, so whoever finds it can send a letter back and state where they find at.
It has been raining about every day here. We are getting the rain now ,but in July and August when we need it , we probably won`t get it.I will watering my garden then every day.
I lost my job, so I am in the process of looking for another, not neccessarily in the healthcare field.I need to support my habit of raising chickens and ducks.I think my husband needs to start working again and let me find something parttime and spend time with my girls. I know it is gonna be hard to find a job in this ecomony, but With these headaches every once in a while,(in which I had another bad one the other day just walking down the road).
Saturday, May 15, 2010
school`s 8 th graduation
Last night was the local school`s 8th graduation. Their was a total of 5 young adults graduaing.The girls were dressed to the nines in dresses ( prom type) the boys had just a nice shirt and a pair of jeans. I think this is so unfair. I think the boys should at least had slacks or a suit on.Oh well I have to remember this is a small school.While I watched I was thinking about my oldest graduating next year from the eighth grade ,.... a total of 15 young adults in this class,...I need to start looking for the dress. Then thought of 5 years both of my girls will be graduating one from the 12 and the other from 8th....Oh my two dresses to buy in 5 years at one time.
News from the farm....I have three of my muscoveies setting ,both on about 15 eggs,Mascara and Elizabeth and Lavender. The other ones are laying ,but don`t know where. I found where 1 was laying,...big black snake are getting those eggs
News from the farm....I have three of my muscoveies setting ,both on about 15 eggs,Mascara and Elizabeth and Lavender. The other ones are laying ,but don`t know where. I found where 1 was laying,...big black snake are getting those eggs
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
nice humid day
Today has been nice compared to yesterday which was very cold and rainy. I am thankful we didn`t get the storms they was predicting last nightI feel bad for oklahoma that got 37 tornados though.I got me another upside down tomato planter today. I planted grape tomatoes on the top and yellow tomatoes in the bottom, so we will see how they will do.The garden is coming along. The corn is up about inch.We did need the rain last night the apple trees are looking better since they got mother nature`s rain instead of the well water.
The baby chicks are coming along nice as well as the ducks. The lone duck that I hatched out looks like it is not gonna be all black as I wanted ,but still The youngest has claimed Her/him,still pretty just the same.WE are suppose to get more storms tonight .
The baby chicks are coming along nice as well as the ducks. The lone duck that I hatched out looks like it is not gonna be all black as I wanted ,but still The youngest has claimed Her/him,still pretty just the same.WE are suppose to get more storms tonight .
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother`s Day to everyone.I got a mother`s ring for mother`s day ,of course I had to work but after work I met my hubby and the two girls at my mom`s and we had tacos.
The incubator (one) is going with mostly Cochin eggs in there as well as a couple of duck eggs.
The incubator (one) is going with mostly Cochin eggs in there as well as a couple of duck eggs.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
new blog
I have decided to have a blog with just recipes on it ,of course some antidotes from where I got the recipes from and a little of information from the paper. The new blog name in Hillybilly annie`s kitchen.
Friday, May 7, 2010 ducks..chicks.......

I have not been on here ,it seems like forever, I have a migrane from hell,excuse my french.It all started last week when I was at work and still hasn`t let up totally,but I feel more like myself. I am able to read and write as long as I have my eyes on ,lol.Except for fine print which is on the medicine bottles, over the counter medicines not the ones you get at the pharmacy.Last Wednesday ,I went to the fordland clinic ,since it is walk-in and don`t need appointment,A shot later in the hip, nuvane(not sure if the spelling is correct) and two meds ,which didn`t releive the pain,just made me want to sleep. The dr stated it was my muscles along the neck making my head hurt, ok.I went home and went to bed, slept the rest of the day and woke up the next morning crying with my head still hurting, Went to the ER, Iv put in,oh we think you must be dehydrated,1 bag of fluid run thru along with some nausea and another shot of nuvane,but this time thru the IV and a dose of diludid(not sure of spelling at this time), they sent me home with more pain meds,you will be fine, needless to say I was still hurting the next morning.I woke up Saturday morning ,according to my husband ready to beat the tire out of anybody and still crying out in pain, ...another trip to the ER and this time CT scan ,lumbar punture and found nothing and was sent home with a another prescription for nausea this time and continue taking you current meds and your headache willl go away. I do not remember this trip except on the way back home, that is how out of it I was.Headache continued the next morning.I visit another clinic and Two more shots, one in each hip.I tried going in to work on wednesday ,but did not work. I did manage to go in on Thursday and it was a short day, which I am thankful for.
In between this time I had about 15 baby ducks hatch from my eggs, Cayuga mixed and about 30 baby chicks hatch from the eggs I had gotten from A lady out of Ava who has some dark egg layers, which these eggs were a barnyard mix,the eggs looked like welsummers, so hopefully they won`t be all roosters.I did manage to hatch out 1 polish chick,which I hope is a hen, this egg was from my own pair that I hatched out last year.The rooster is a blue with white top and the hen is a black with white top.
My irises are in full bloom, White, purple,pink ,yellow.These picture were tooken last year.
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