Ok, I am confused on something, in which it don`t take much. Anyway, when you have a child it is either a boy or a girl , that child does not make the decision on whether it wants to be a boy or a girl....GOD does . Today on the Today show, their is a couple that is keeping the sex of their baby a secret and letting that child make the decision of whether the child wants to be a girl or a boy. The child is only 4 months old....I just wonder how old this child will be when the desion is made. This just makes me a little upset and wonder what this world is becoming in too. Letting the child make the decision on whether it wants to be a boy or girl is absurd, the child is either a boy or a girl, there is no getting around this.
Letting the child make this decision is crazy, ....Let`s see should a child make the decision whether it wants to learn to read or write....or should it make the decision to climb on top of the roof and jump off..... I am just a little confused on this can anyone out there help me out on this....?
This farm is located in the beautifull Ozarks.Where chickens and ducks roam. I will tell of my family , which include 2 daughters and 1 husband plus the animal variety ;which include chickens,ducks, dogs, cats ,and whatever else comes up, I will also tell about my gardening
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Prayers go out to Joplin...
My heart and prayers go out to the city of Joplin, I could not imagine losing everything and in some cases losing part of your circle of friends or possibly a family member and to think storms are forcasted for today for that part of the ozarks. Joplin is about a couple of hours away. My mom and visited there the first part of March during the quilt shop hop.
Lots and lots of prayers to the city Joplin.
Lots and lots of prayers to the city Joplin.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
results of talent show...
Well the results of talent show , was not what I expected. The students and teachers did not vote on talent , but I do believe on popularity rather then talent. The talent that won should have gotten third place in my mind, but I did not get to vote. It was a group of young boys that won, in which I know was a original song, but the singing in my mind was not as good as Mariah, who got second place....and I do believe will be someday on the radio, if she chooses to be. Third place was a tie between two singers.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Graduation, talent...other things
My oldest is officially now an eighth grade graduate, she looked beautiful in her dress, of course some of the other girls did too..., but she was the prettiest by far...of course I am alittle bias, lol. a lot of her fellow classmates did not recognise her at all. The class was a total of 13 young adults,....now on to high school.
Today at school was the annual talent show and I know who won in my mind...hands down, but then again she does sing in branson and has sung at other places as well. The winner will be announced tomorrow during the awards program that the school holds every year. I will try and post the winner the contest tomorrow and If I think they deserve to be winner. Each grade level the teachers hand out awards to students who have done well thru out the year.
The American Cancer society`s jr cattle baron ball was fun that we went to Sunday. the youngest got to ride Missouri Foxtrotters, of course with the oldest daughter...was upset , as she didn`t win any prizes, as the prizes were only for the children with cancer and not for the siblings, in which in some aspects I think is unfair , but I understand to a point. It is not only hard for the child with cancer, but for the other siblings as well, because the main focus is on the child with cancer and alot of times the siblings get left out, and that is all I am saying. I could go on, but I won`t.
I told the a few teachers, that anytime they need a clown and I am not doing anything....I could be one,....I sooo enjoyed it!!!!!!
Today at school was the annual talent show and I know who won in my mind...hands down, but then again she does sing in branson and has sung at other places as well. The winner will be announced tomorrow during the awards program that the school holds every year. I will try and post the winner the contest tomorrow and If I think they deserve to be winner. Each grade level the teachers hand out awards to students who have done well thru out the year.
The American Cancer society`s jr cattle baron ball was fun that we went to Sunday. the youngest got to ride Missouri Foxtrotters, of course with the oldest daughter...was upset , as she didn`t win any prizes, as the prizes were only for the children with cancer and not for the siblings, in which in some aspects I think is unfair , but I understand to a point. It is not only hard for the child with cancer, but for the other siblings as well, because the main focus is on the child with cancer and alot of times the siblings get left out, and that is all I am saying. I could go on, but I won`t.
I told the a few teachers, that anytime they need a clown and I am not doing anything....I could be one,....I sooo enjoyed it!!!!!!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Another death in the family..
I have a few deaths in the family this year and it is only May. First my Uncle Wayne died, then shortly after that his exwife Lavona and my grandmother ( the last one living), then past week my cousin Melinda died. Her parents were Wayne and Lavona. I think it was just too much for her to take and she ended , but I dont` know for sure. I remember when she was a little girl her spraying hair spray on her hair so thick that a comb would not go thru it. I feel so sad for her sister Tammy and hope God lifts her up during this time of need and loss , she loss her mom and dad and now her only sister. I will not be attending the funeral as it is so far away and I have other obligations today , but will be thinking of her.
Friday, May 13, 2011

Old style iris

This peony was just dying to it`s picture taking.

The above iris came from my grandma`s yard a few years ago.

I thought everyone might like to see some pretty irises in bloom, I have several different colors of these beautiful flowers and Would like someday to have some planted in red, white and blue in the form of the American Flag. I do need to find a red one, I know I have a deep red but I am wanting a red , red one and a blue one as well. I have the white covered to do this.
On the chicken note...One of the banties ( Cochin) hatched out a birchen at least I think it will be a birchen as those are the eggs I put under her . And one of the other golden lace cochin has hatched out one baby so far, but then again their is about three setting in the same spot, it will be a buff/ welsummer, at least I think the is what layed the egg that I put under them, the eggs came out from the pen where the two buff hens and a few mixed hens are at with a welsummer rooster that I had extra.
We got a hail storm last night as well as about 2 inches of rain total.
Monday, May 9, 2011
What`s Happening....
What is happening this week is alot, but let`s start with happenings from last week. The oldest had her field trip to Jefferson city and enjoyed it , yay! I went with her on her Silver Dollar City field trip and of course had a blast, she hung around with one of her friends, who thinks by the way I am a cool mom. Rode the water rides several times, lost river at least 2 time and the huck finn 2 times the plunge got soak and rode the train twice and a couple of other rides a few times and walked around alot......
Saturday went to a few yard sales at the Seymour city wide, listen to music at the Seymour`s first music festival.....the band long way from nowhere, at least I think that was the band`s name...they was pretty good. I did find me a red iris at one of the yard sales.
Happening this week, more field trip, imax theatre, cardinal game, talking rocks and the spring concert and a meeting on the phone to find out what test concluded for the youngest. And of course for the weekend...the Junior Cattlebarions ball and getting geared up for graduation
Saturday went to a few yard sales at the Seymour city wide, listen to music at the Seymour`s first music festival.....the band long way from nowhere, at least I think that was the band`s name...they was pretty good. I did find me a red iris at one of the yard sales.
Happening this week, more field trip, imax theatre, cardinal game, talking rocks and the spring concert and a meeting on the phone to find out what test concluded for the youngest. And of course for the weekend...the Junior Cattlebarions ball and getting geared up for graduation
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother`s Day
Happy Mother`s Day to everyone out there in blog land. My day started off with breakfast in bed, bowl of cereal and cinnamon toast ... my youngest made for me, with daddy`s help of course, the oldest was still in bed. She made me a card . the youngest is suppose to let me have a bubble bath later...we will see.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
ooh sunshine...
I think maybe now we can dry out from the rain alittle. I worked in the garden today and planted some tomatoes that i had gotten Sunday when my hubby and I went on a date , mainly see Fast Five.....their will be a sixth one. It was excellent with a lot of action, by the way , would go to see again if the movie ticket price was better and more reasonable. I planted rhubarb, I have never planted this before , but at Lowes they had it 1/2 off and thought I would give it a try and see. I also planted some zucchini seeds and lettuce seeds in the mud no less.
I took my walk today with mom and checked out some irises down the road , along side the road, found some more purple and some brown/ red in color ones. and planted these as well. I so love irises and would like to get some of every color. i would like to plant some in the shape of the American Flag Red , White and blue, I think it would be so pretty. I have not seen no red ones though, or blues one either. mom is suppose to get a magazine with nothing but irises in there , so I am waiting for that.
My oldest daughter is in Jefferson City today on a school trip, touring the capital of our lovely state. Every year the local school takes the eighth graders to tour the capital. This year is the final trip for the eighth grade classes to go, from now on it will be only the fourth graders, in which they went this year as well.
We still have not seen any out of our little Chihuahua, Princess, who has been missing since last Wednesday. I think that somebody picked her up or the coyotes got her, since we do have a coyote problem here . we soo miss her. But I will still keep my eyes open for her, maybe one day I will know what happened to her . She disappeared just like her daddy, Jake, who was really old and didn`t have any teeth. Well I am go for now... and enjoy some more of this sunshine...what a beautiful day !!!!!!
I took my walk today with mom and checked out some irises down the road , along side the road, found some more purple and some brown/ red in color ones. and planted these as well. I so love irises and would like to get some of every color. i would like to plant some in the shape of the American Flag Red , White and blue, I think it would be so pretty. I have not seen no red ones though, or blues one either. mom is suppose to get a magazine with nothing but irises in there , so I am waiting for that.
My oldest daughter is in Jefferson City today on a school trip, touring the capital of our lovely state. Every year the local school takes the eighth graders to tour the capital. This year is the final trip for the eighth grade classes to go, from now on it will be only the fourth graders, in which they went this year as well.
We still have not seen any out of our little Chihuahua, Princess, who has been missing since last Wednesday. I think that somebody picked her up or the coyotes got her, since we do have a coyote problem here . we soo miss her. But I will still keep my eyes open for her, maybe one day I will know what happened to her . She disappeared just like her daddy, Jake, who was really old and didn`t have any teeth. Well I am go for now... and enjoy some more of this sunshine...what a beautiful day !!!!!!
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