These are 2 of the cayuga ducks that are now in the bator, their is a total of 10 ,all vary in color, there maybe 1 or two from pen number 2, which has 1 cayuga hen and 1 crested and 1 swedish hen and a cayuga mix drake.These eggs should hatch a week after it turns spring.The Chicken eggs should hatch on the first day of spring, what a way to bring spring in baby chicks.I think the muscoveys should be laying soon as well, they are not penned up, so it`s like a egg hunt for them lol, if the hen is not started setting on them.The other picture is one of my roosters, he is out of a frizzled rooster and a red cochin hen, their is a couple of frizzle eggs in the bator as well.
I liked seeing the eggs and the rooster too of course! I ordered a few chicks today...I don't really need more but,,,!