This picture is of Cocoa is a few years old. My camera`s batteries are dead and even though I was at wally world last night, I forgot to pick some up.
Anyway this is my daughters minature horse, who I swear is part goat, sometimes.We got him when my oldest was four years old, she is now 13. He was a stud and a friend told us he would be more gentle if we cut him. So our friend found someone who could do it. When he was being cut, my daughters and I were in the house. The oldest at the time thought they was killing him, try to explain to a four old.Any way he is a gelding as of the moment.He is green broke. At that time he was our oldest daughter`s horse.
He has been sold to some friends down the road, they gave him back when the youngest was diagnosed, so techically he is the youngest`s daughters horse. But we all love him ,even though he is spoiled.I told my hubby, that he is not gonna to sell him again .That is all the youngest talked about when she was in the hospital.
Let`s see he has eaten roasted marshmallows. got it all over him. He has eaten weeds I thought he wouldn`t eat, he ate them cause I said he wouldn`t eat it ,just to prove me wrong. He will race with my hubby.He is spoiled rotton, everytime we go to the garage ( where we keep our feed) he thinks he needs to be fed also, even though he was fed earlier in the day, with hay or grain.
When winter hits ,as you can see in the picture he looks like a wooly little horse.
He loves it when I am pulling weeds out of the flower bed in our yard, I just throw over the fence and chomp, chomp he goes.
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