Here is a young cabbage plant that is one of my beds, along with some radishes and about 4 pansy in the color purple. The frost that we have had here last month didn`t touch it

Here are some tulips in all the blooming glory. Yes, that is a barbeque grill in the background, it is part of the bed. I planted tulips in there as well, in which they didn`t come up. I am thinking I do need to need to replant them.

Even one of the irises, in which I have lot of, decided to bloom as well!

Here is one of the apple trees, I planted last year, budding out....The other one I do believe bit the dust, not budding out at all

A beautiful redbud tree in his purple glory!

One of the daffoils in the yard, I bought this one last year at lowes

Of course , I can not forget the greatest smelling flower bush....the Liliac in all the sweet smelling goodness
And lastly a wild plum tree in bloom. The dogwood are in bloom around here as well, besides all the other budding things around here on the farm . I didn`t get a picture of the dogwood as of yet, I didn`t walk that way this morning where their are a few trees and I didn`t take my camera either. All of these photos are of in my yard or garden area, or rather in the different beds that I have. Yes, the watery eyes and the running nose is apparent here as well for myself as well as my youngest daughter`s ..she has the scratch in the throat as well.....I think the chemo that has been in her body makes her worse for her . Thank You GOD for all this beauty of Spring!!!
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