This is a better picture of him and still talking to them, Mascara, Elizabeth and Zoey

Mascara talking here to Boss.

I had to get a new drake as Chocolate was gotten by some critter that came up in the night and got him, never did find a body. I was needing a new drake to get new blood into my muscoveys though, as all the hens except one were his daughters/granddaughters, so I think I did need one.The New drake is a dark Blue and white and we named him Boss and he is big. My younger daughter calls him ugly when we first got him. The hens directed to what we call the duck pond a few times, I think They was telling him or rather hinting to him he needed a bath, lol. Lavender is not in the picture as she is setting under the porch, which seems to be her favorite place to set , so hopefully next month more baby ducks.
I would love to have some Muscovies!!! Cute pics!