Monday, April 21, 2014

Ahh Spring........

I am glad it is finally here.............

We have a few rounds of frost here....I am so glad it didn't get my lilac bush or the ones I really don't have much of a smell....but it sure is in bloom and pretty

                                                         Frost didn't get the tulips either

My bed of radishes and onions....thanks to the chickens insisting on using it for a dust bath...the plants or rather seeds aren't in a line....

Soon I think we will have some wilted lettuce and onions with some radishes in it as well

Here is another view of the bed of radishes and can see the radishes getting ready to pop out. I cant wait until radishes from the garden instead of those store bought

      I have planted a couple of strawberry plants this year so to get the radishes out of the bed
                                                  so I can plant some more of them...

                           This is how I am planning on planting some tomato plants this year

                                    these haven't gotten their flowers planted in the pots yet....
                                                    The last pot is a washer tub

       Finally got something in the sink...its called an ice plant....My oldest said since it was a sink it needed a plate or two in far I only have one plate in there...the saucer came from under the plants I bring in the house each I think that is where I will put them at ...when all the houseplants go outside...

Sadly only one Hosta plant made it....yes .I do need to weed alittle here....

                       A look at the garden...seen a hummer so I put a feeder on the archway.

                             Just some of the babies I have kept back for now....mostly cochins.

                                             Mascara begging for a piece of old bread........

Oldest daughter`s prom was at chateau on the lake in Branson this past weekend.. Here is the little stream going up to the entrance way...she had a magical time...some stranger seen her and asked to have a picture taken with her and then left....that was before the the picture he looks like her she is trying to find him , so she can give him the copy of the picture


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