Monday, August 18, 2014

not been a busy summer..........

I know I haven`t posted in awhile...nothing out of the ordinary has been going on around here...Had our annual trip to St Louis back in Jun..a good report for my youngest. Have hatched out a few chicks, until I just got tired of it , which was about a month ago...shut them both down and rehome one of the incubators...My 4 Muscovy hens have all hatched out something...traded for a solid white with blue eyes drake and another chocolate and white hen...Boss chased off the white drake, in which that is why I traded to beginning with...the new Muscovy hen is named Myiah.
                      here are the three ducks I traded for...I had to take the black and white drake as well....

                                           Here was the white drake...I named it Cotton, until it wandered off or rather Boss took over the all the hens...My idea was to make this one my new drake....I guess I should have penned Boss up...
After about a month ago , when I grew tired of hatching chicks out, I decided I was going to focus more on plants/Garden...and selling plants...So, that is what I have been doing...digging up my rose of Sharon. starts and replanting them and then selling them.

I just couldn`t keep up the demand of the Rose of Sharons`s I still have people wanting them...I tried cuttings ...didn't to do very well with them until lately...Have one the needs to planted...also took cuttings from my yellow and purple mums and have had a great demand for them as well...I also took cuttings from my winter creeper, not very many people know what this is...good thing as I only took one or two cuttings...easy to root..

Also took cuttings from my lavender and creeping thyme...also dug up some my what I call ditch lilies, they were double bloomed this year...
Have also expanded my garden space to include another row of blackberries, hence I didn't really pick very many of those this year....

I haven't really got a good picture of Blackberry lane ( new area of garden , row of blackberries), but it above this area...I have planted climbing roses, 2 different colors on each side of my entryway to this part of the garden and some morning glories ....this picture was token a few months ago...have harvested a few potatoes in a potato tower I built on one of the ends of the two long beds for vegetables and the fence around it on two sides has blackberries and irises...the side separating the two different areas are a couple of grape vines...had one of the vines bloomed and was watching the grapes develop...something got them before I had the chance to harvest them...I have planted sunflowers in the back there, planning on trying to save some seed from them....haven't really got a name for this area of the garden ...thinking about Blackberry something or other....

This is the middle or rather area I have named Strawberry fields...As you can see I have laid carpet down in hopes of keeping the weeds down on the has hubby has teased that he gonna to put up a sign to be sure and wipe your this area of the garden I have made a few changes as well... have dug up some of my irises, not all of them, just one bed of them...I had planted there last year.and putting some daylilies there this year I divided the bed into 2 different beds....both beds will have daylilies in them and have planted about 4 of them in there that I got at Wally world...I have learned that Wally world is not always correct on the names of their plants....neither is Dollar general I am going to try and keep those plants separate...and keep a journal on where I get each plant and what it is named....I did pick up a Daylily at the local K-mart that was going out of business and it`s name is Strawberry fields forever...hopefully since It wasn't in bloom that will be what it is....if still will be pretty in the garden...

So that is basically what I have been doing this blog post will probably be the joys of having 2 girls playing 2 different sports at 2 different schools at the same time....yes, that is right.......Everyone have a beautiful , blessed day!

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