Here is a picture of what I call my little bitty chickens. I have had the hen for a few years, the roosters , I got him last year for her since my rooster died , she really didn`t like him though, lol, hopefully she likes him better now. these are not laying yet.

This is my Birchen Roosters, he is more beautiful in person , the photo don`t do him justice. I have two birchen hens in with him. I do have a total of 3 birchen colored cochin hens. None of the birchen cochins are laying yet.

I really don`t know what color this rooster is, but he is sure pretty and he is from last years hatch, and for the life me can`t remember which pen he came out of. He is in with a birchen hen as of right now. I hope I can get better organize with the eggs hatching this year.

The above picture is of Reverse, barred cochin rooster. He used to back up whenever you said reverse, his hen is black as of right now. I don`t have any barred cochin hens. This black hen is laying me an egg every other day, just about.

Ok, this picture is of some of the Easter Lillies coming up, i was thinking that it was some that are actually blooming. These have not bloomed yet, but I do have pleny of them blooming around the house. During my walks down the road their is plenty of them blooming around some old houses and along side the road.

I really don`t know what color this rooster would be called either, he is rooster for the frizzle pen and throws alot of babies colored up like him. He is out of a frizzle rooster and a red cochin hen. The frizzle rooster was exactly colored just like him. this hen is very small and is laying some.

This is columbian rooster, and his hens are a buff and a red cochin. I have young hen that is of the same coloring, but not in this pen as of yet. I was gonna do away with him a couple of years ago and my hubby put him with reverse and I am glad he did....he is such a pretty boy.
I also have a couple of Golden lace cochin roos, they wasn`t very cooperative for the camera. Their is five hens for the both of them. These are just my cochins. I have welsummers ( 3 roosters and about 6 hens), and my mixed bag of hens that are in with one of the welsummer roos.
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