Here is an updated pic of Cricket, the resident bully....she can`t get along with Trixie anymore.....such a bully.
Now on to the muscovies, the above is Elizabeth and Tip, who by the way was a solid yellow as a duckling.
Can you beleive these two came out of the same hatch....aflac and unique( unique is my hubbys)
just plain Lavender here.
aflac, tip , boss and uniques head, you now he just had to get into the picture.
Can you beleive these two came out of the same hatch....aflac and unique( unique is my hubbys)
just plain Lavender here.
aflac, tip , boss and uniques head, you now he just had to get into the picture.
Mascara is front, then Zoe, Tip, Aflac,Lavender and Boss in background
That`s Sparkles in the front , then of course Unique and Mascara and Lavender or is it Zoe, those two look so much alike, with a few of the chickens that free-range on a daily basis.
The oldest just stated that her dog , Cricket is not a bully, she just thinks she is the top dog around
The oldest just stated that her dog , Cricket is not a bully, she just thinks she is the top dog around
I have been enjoying the this weekend , with the nice weather, got to go do more girl scout cookie sales....yay...the youngest has sold....247 boxes of cookies this year...she was going for 300 boxes to get the prize of a duffle bag, I so wish she would have made, I think she did pretty good, considering last year she sold about 25 boxes. She has a game Tuesday, its an away game and , then no more games until next week . She will be playing a rough team Tuesday, so everyone wish her team luck.Well, goodnight for now and everyone have a good evening and God Bless You!