It has been very busy around here lately. School has started here with both girls. I have been taking the oldest to volleyball practice every night...the games start next week...she has three games next week and of course I will post if they win or loose on here.. The oldest will be also working the concessions at some of the basketball games this year since she is a junior...goes towards their prom and senior trip...she will be working them thru out the year.....
now into a little garden....
working on transferring all of the mint into the washer then the mint will be confined to the washer tub...hopefully it will stay in the of my projects for the garden for the fall.
here is a start to another project of mine for the garden.. a new iris bed...hubby is tired of mowing around the iris bed in the front transferring them to this bed...going to make it one long bed of irises, different my irises.
a little watermelon developing at least I think, better late then never..
This rose the picture don`t do it justice
Our new truck, we sold the other had over 400,000 miles on it and got this one the same day, so glad we finally have a full sized of my hubby`s coworkers says it`s a ford ranger on steroids , that`s what a f150 is, lol.
now on to some animals and building
This is a chicken coop I am working on....I had a weird request for our anniversary present this year...I got a drill....besides the planning on putting nest boxes on the back end of it....Bandit just had to get in the pic.....
now animals, chickens first....
A pair of Seabrights, I traded for ducklings for.
Hubby was wanting some again, wanting to breed a silver and a
golden and to see what color we will get, just his project....
now ducks.....
Mary and Lillie snugglin, oldest daughter took this pic
with her Ipod.
just plain Lillie, .changing and growing up
Mary, growing up....
This is shay and dawson, hopefully both hens, Elizabeth`s babies, named them after some of the cast members in Chicago fire....the little yellow...shay almost lost her ,she was so tiny after hatching, so we are keeping her for now and she just had to have a friend...dawson a chocolate colored one...I am all about chocolate this year.....
Well I need to go and do the chores for the day, since a ballgame tonight.....everyone have a enjoyable weekend.....
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