Tuesday, April 29, 2014

New chickens....cochins of course....

I rehome two of my roosters...Attitude and another one I have not named.

the last picture I have token of these two...when I took Attitude to his new owner, he bit me...I told them that I understood if they didn't want him...needless to say if he came back home he would have met the freezer.

I went to a local swap meet and looking for a barred cochin rooster...the one that I have is not fertile as of yet with his eggs from that pen so, thought I would get another one to hopefully start a buff barred project...only one of the buff hens are laying though...the other two have not yet started laying, their combs are red...my oldest has named the new barred roo Bakbak....and the youngest named the little white hen Sweetheart...she picked her and she just started talking to her...I really don't like the comb on Bakbak...but got this pair since I wanted the white hen....the person I got them off of had another barred roo with a birchen hen...would switch the roos out so I got this one.....she laid me a egg yesterday...I put in the bator to see if is fertile....hopefully this is the roo she has been running with...I forgot to ask that ...they are both fairly young...

Here are two different views from the Chocolate cochin rooster I picked up...initially went back to the person that had this roo to look at a buff roo again and then I saw him.....and thought I needed him....so I asked how they got this color and they said they didn't know I might try and breed him to some white hens to keep getting the color.....I have investigated it further and think I need black hens to put him with to keep this color...so am looking for more black hens...I have one and may put my one birchen colored hen in with him after he is out of quarantine .So will see what he produces from there....

I just had to share my new cochins...also picked up two Buff cochins chicks as well...hope they both are hens, but it would be ok if one is a hen and the other is a roo...

                                      I have this little hen with Bert, My Columbian rooster
                                                         she is not laying yet

                                  Here are my splash/Blue cochin chicks I have held back

These little chicks are out of my Columbian pen, notice the three black ones, I do believe they are out of the birchen colored hen that is in there....

These are some of the egg layers I held back...I got a couple of dozen eggs from a friend of mine and kept these baby chicks back from them....a couple of them are Easter Eggers...My youngest has a Easter Egger hen and wanted me to keep these back for her....she also has a couple little banties and I got them in with a frizzle roo...got a egg from them yesterday and put it in the bator as well...

my prayers go out to all of those that are dealing with the wind damage or tornados that have happened in the last couple of days and is still happening.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

just a few pics....

here are some of the chicks I have held back.....the blue splash bantam cochin chicks...5 of them so far

                                                 Here are the parents of the blue splash...

                                   My Columbian bantam cochin chicks...a color project
                                  might be rehoming the black ones, not for sure yet.
                                                                       7 of them.

                               The parents of the Columbian chicks all of them was raised here.

Here are 4 that are just barnyard mix, even though the blue one is a EE...for my youngest...she has adult EE hen...she is wanting a roo to go along with it

Monday, April 21, 2014

Ahh Spring........

I am glad it is finally here.............

We have a few rounds of frost here....I am so glad it didn't get my lilac bush or the ones I transplant....it really don't have much of a smell....but it sure is in bloom and pretty

                                                         Frost didn't get the tulips either

My bed of radishes and onions....thanks to the chickens insisting on using it for a dust bath...the plants or rather seeds aren't in a line....

Soon I think we will have some wilted lettuce and onions with some radishes in it as well

Here is another view of the bed of radishes and onions.....you can see the radishes getting ready to pop out. I cant wait until radishes from the garden instead of those store bought

      I have planted a couple of strawberry plants this year so far...got to get the radishes out of the bed
                                                  so I can plant some more of them...

                           This is how I am planning on planting some tomato plants this year

                                    these haven't gotten their flowers planted in the pots yet....
                                                    The last pot is a washer tub

       Finally got something in the sink...its called an ice plant....My oldest said since it was a sink it needed a plate or two in it...so far I only have one plate in there...the saucer came from under the plants I bring in the house each winter...so I think that is where I will put them at ...when all the houseplants go outside...

Sadly only one Hosta plant made it....yes .I do need to weed alittle here....

                       A look at the garden...seen a hummer so I put a feeder on the archway.

                             Just some of the babies I have kept back for now....mostly cochins.

                                             Mascara begging for a piece of old bread........

Oldest daughter`s prom was at chateau on the lake in Branson this past weekend.. Here is the little stream going up to the entrance way...she had a magical time...some stranger seen her and asked to have a picture taken with her and then left....that was before the prom...in the picture he looks like her date....now she is trying to find him , so she can give him the copy of the picture


Thursday, April 10, 2014

a little gardening, chickens....

Yesterday, picked me a couple more grape vines, when we after we stopped by Bass Pro...hubby and the youngest just needed a owl locator to use when they go out in the woods this Saturday and try to get a turkey during youth season....one is a concord grape and the other is a red grape....
The other grape vine I planted the frost has got alittle...I scrape alittle of the compost back and it has a little nub getting ready to come up....I have been covering everything up for the most part and keeping an eye on the forecasted temps at night ...At least the new roses I have planted and the grape vine and the hosta and day lilies......I think I might have lost one of the Hosta plants but not for sure....

Here is the square foot garden bed. just onions and lettuce and radishes in here....of course since my egg layers are free-ranged...they did scratch a little in the dirt ...note the chicken wire....the radishes aren`t exactly where I planted them at.....

                                                          tulips getting ready to bloom

Frost got one of the roses I planted as well, the above picture, but as you can see it has some nubs on it....so it didn`t totally wipe it out....both of these roses are the two climbing variety I planted this year.

As you can see I finally got a kitchen sink in the garden, have been looking for one...wanted one for free , but found one at the local recycling place when my hubby took some old frigs off and yes, I did have to pay for it...but it came out of the money from the frigs....now I know what I want to plant in there , just need to find it....don`t really know  what it is called...irises are gonna be planted around it except in front....I am thinking some type of ground cover....maybe my creeping thyme , in which has expanded a great deal.....

               Where else to do put a sink in the garden ,...but by the toilet of course......
              Thinking about expanding the garden some more, but probably not this year.
              back behind the toilet to the tree at least a row of blackberry briars.

   The bed I have been working on getting filled...I have laid some feed sacks down , then put a compost on top of that and of course dirt......the front two little boxes in the bed are planted with potatoes...I am tring something I seen on pinterest...where you keep putting a square of wood on top and more dirt to how high you want the planted to be...then when the potatoes are ready to dig up ...just take the squares off....or rather boards off....we will se how this works....the last time I planted potatoes ...it didn't work...so hopefully this will...I have red and white potatoes planted...
                                                  so on to other things going on here

                                      here is 3 little chicks I have held back...they are partridge bantam

                                                        What to you do with extra boards?...........

Build chicken pens , of course....The top pen is build mainly of scrap wood that my hubby picked up the other day...the smaller pieces went in the fire to keep us warm...that pen only cost was the screws...it houses my turkins....the bottom picture has trio of cochins....two of them are Columbian and the other is a birchen colored hen...that pen has two 2x 4 I had gotten and a pallet I took apart....I know the building ain`t nothing fancy and I don't say I am good at building, but I think it looks good...
Well enough for now...everyone have a great day!