This farm is located in the beautifull Ozarks.Where chickens and ducks roam. I will tell of my family , which include 2 daughters and 1 husband plus the animal variety ;which include chickens,ducks, dogs, cats ,and whatever else comes up, I will also tell about my gardening
Monday, January 31, 2011
Ice, Snow....ugh........more thoughts from cricket
Saturday ,we went to my aunt sue`s surprize birthday party, little cricket came too, in which she seemed so bored Her thoughts of the day;
This place is so boring All I get to do is sitting on a lap ....things to eat but I don`t get to at least try anything.....bored , bored. Oh their is another little puppy here, he looks as bored as me...he don`t get to eat anything either. We smelled noses but that`s all I was allowed to do, I don`t think I wanted to play...too many people around and every once in awhile I hear a swaek from something....they say it is a bird of sure don`t look like a chicken or a duck...they are so fun to play with sometime. Then we went to a place where green grass and terrible barking of two other dogs.....I so wanted to be friends , but the big hairy one was a little scary to me...I think she thought I was something to eat....oh, I so don`t like it here with this big hairy thing.
The big hairy thing was my mom`s shih tzu, Ruby, who really thought cricket was a play thing, maybe even a hot dog , lol.....well that is all I have for now
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Oh spring, you are near.....

Monday, January 24, 2011
gearing up for spring.. ..other ramblings
The seeds I have so far are as follow: Radish-Early Scarlet Globe,French Breakfast,Sparkler White top , I am gonna look for some white ones too.: Turnip - Purple top white globe; Garden beans ( green beans) Contender( bush); Jalapeno M; dark grren zucchini; early Prolific Straightneck squash ; Cantalope ( daughter choice); Jack O`lantern pumpkin and Small sugar Pumpkin. It looks like I am gonna be busy planting
I tried working in the beds today, but it is just too muddy still yet. I did clean out another two chicken pens today and put the manure in the one of the beds. I think I am gonna try and get another two beds up and running for spring somehow. I might have to use rocks to go around the beds for now, in which their is plenty of here on the farm.
I have started to research goats and their care and am thinking about getting a couple, don`t know how that will work out this year though. Our fence is just barbed wire for the most part . I think baby goats are so cute and enjoy looking at the picture over at granny best and at tonia`s and others.
I am still working on my afghan , I think it will be queen size and have not done any other blocks as of yet, but have done other rows on it and let me tell you it is getting heavy just turning for the next row. I have also made a couple of grape doilies that I plan on trying to sell this spring when all the swap meets start happening in this area, and farmers market which is in March. I am so looking forward to them and hatching baby chicks and baby ducks.
I have been toying with the idea of getting rid of my cayuga`s, but have not let go as of yet. I would like to keep the hen that lays the black egg, yes a black egg it is what the cayuga`s breed is known for besides ,the beautiful color of black and when the sun hits it shades of green and purple surface, but still not for sure on the idea. i know I do have extra drake, in which he is not pure cayuga, I think maybe alittle kaki cambell or mallard not for sure. The main drake is not pure as well, he has a look of being mixed with kaki campbell or mallard as well. I am not planning on getting rid of my muscovey , I so love watching them talk and fly, even though when they start laying it is like Easter egg hunting, lololol.
I guess that is enough rambling on , I will go for now.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
ozark sledding.....
I am truly sorry I didn`t get a picture , but a person can`t hardly get a picture and hang
With the two girls and me on the sled and hubby driving the truck ...noone can take the picture and concentrate on holding on or driving...... Ohhh the joys of living in country!!!!!!!
I don`t know if we will get any more snow or not, they are calling for another snow fall but this area is only expecting a light dusting...We will have to wait for another good snowfall,but with this Missouri weather who knows when that will be ?
Friday, January 21, 2011
chocolate frappe
Ohhh , by the way , it is a Mr Coffee Frappe machine.
Put about 2 Tablespoons of coffee in filter and 1/2 cup of water.
Then in put 3 Tablespoons Hills Bros. Cappuccino Double Mocha in container, add ice then pour in about 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream and 1/4 cup of choclate syrup, the measurement on the whipping cream and chocolate syrup is not exact. then put the container in the machine and push frappe and then pour into individual glasses and add whipped cream to top and then yummmmmmmmmmmmmy
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Winter wonderland

The muscoveys didn`t get out from under the garage and they don`t like the snow when it is this deep.

Our dog ( Crazy) Bandit eating the snow. He was, I swear running around just biting the snow and of course panting alot. He just loves the`s his first year with snow. Cricket loves the snow as well....she so has a hard time going thru that much snow... sorry I didn`t get a picture of that.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Thoughts from cricket....

Hi! My name is Cricket and I am a little puppy of the Dashund ( not sure of spelling as I am a puppy) variety. Sometimes 2 of my humans , in which their are a total of four of them ( how lucky am I) get on this big yellow thing....or would I say they disappear into this big yellow thing....then beep,beep,beep sound goes off and the big yellow thing goes down the road to somewhere. I missed those two girl humans terrible when they get on the big yellow thing and go away. But later I do get to see them, sometimes I have to wait for hours , in which seems like a lifetime to little me. I am told by one of my humans that the big yellow thing is a bus, but not for sure what a bus is.
One day one of my humans took me to loud place ,at least I thought it was loud at the time...alot of screeming going on....I just looked around and snuggled in the sleeve of the humans coat and soon their was my favorite two human girls coming to hold me......hahahahahaha. I was so happy to see them.... This place was a school that I was tooken to. I kinda of now enjoy going there as I know I will soon see the two girls who I adore.
I so love my humans. They play with me and my favorite part is snuggling with them and going to sleep.
I thought this might make some of you that follow me a laugh.... Enjoy and a have a happy day!!!!!!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Tinker is back...
She seems like she really don`t know what the fuss is all about. Almost like do I know you from somewhere. She didn`t seem at all hungry....I just wonder where she has been the past three days. We have looked all around the fields around us and down the road and called all the neighbors to see if they had seen her.
I am glaaaaad she is home finally.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wanting to rush things....
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
disappearing dog....Tinker
Tinker has been a good dog. She is a chow/lab/heeler and what ever else mixed in there. She has killed amany possoms that were after my chickens as well as coons, even a skunk after it sprayed her in the face. She did everything we asked her to do. She loved to play hide and seek with my husband in her younger years. she has drunk out possoms under the porch.....possoms from holes........skunks out from hole in the ground and protected us from harm. She is/ was a good dog and she will be missed if she doen`t come back to us. I am sure if she is gone to her heavenly reward she is up there running rabbits...squirrels and possoms amuck.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Spring.....oh where r u?
We got about inch of snow here and wind blowing the snow off the trees, which were so pretty last night. I was gonna get a picture of the snow covered branches......mother nature had other the wind blowing it off before I woke up. I am sure I will get my chance to take pictures of the snow covered branches as snow is expected again this weekend.
Monday, January 10, 2011

This is another picture of Spunky trying to watch the birds with Panther the black cat asking " Are You having any luck ? Panther is the oldest daughter`s cat, he was born on her birthday, he is rather small and enjoys riding in the basket on her bike down the road. i tried to get a bird at the feeder , but with the bird watcher there ............I don`t think so....
Thursday, January 6, 2011
R u ready for spring?....gardens

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
introducing cricket....

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year...
Happy New Year to everyone in blogland, may your year be filled with blessings of life and may you prosper beyond belief.