Yes, spring is around the corner. Here is a picture of some Easter Lillies coming up, I do have some more planted , but they don`t seem to be showing as of yet. It was nice today and I was gonna pull some weeds out and worked the raised beds some, but muddy as can be. The frost was alittle heavy this morning and so creates mud. Why can`t this happen in the summer when the gardens need it....lol of course then it would be called dew. I am so looking ofrward to spring and all the flowers , besides the garden vegetables....the ones bought in the store don`t have the same flavor as the ones from your own garden or per say a farmers market.

This is an Eagle flying , even though it don`t look like much. We had just gotten back from town and seen this Eagle flying and it perch on a tree and stopped so I can get a picture and it started flying. I just love to watch the Eagles soaring overhead. It makes me Proud to be An American when I see this national symbol soaring in the sky, free as can be. I also like looking at American Flags flowing in the wind like a kite on a summer`s day just floating in the wind and drifting as the wind takes it......Beautiful...is all I have to say.
Tonight is the first home game me and the girls will be attending. The youngest one is cheering tonight, the oldest opt out this year of being a cheerleader , even though she has said that she will help if needed. The oldest is having some knee trouble , don`t know what it is, a couple of days ago it was swollen alittle. She has had some trouble in the past with the knee hurting and got it x-rayed , but they didn`t find anything wrong, so if it still giving her trouble she will be going to the doctor hopefully tomorrow, if I can get her in. Somethings not right about it, I think it might be her knee cap not fusing like it is suppose to , But I don`t know.......
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