This is the tree is snow and it is still snowing here, i just had to look around at the beauty! We got about 4 inches give or take.

This is looking in on my quackers pen. They have a building to get in to, but I guess they just love the snow. These are cayuga ducks. Sally is in the front , I think she is a blue swedish, but not for sure.
The muscoveys didn`t get out from under the garage and they don`t like the snow when it is this deep.

Another look of the snow lined trees

Our dog ( Crazy) Bandit eating the snow. He was, I swear running around just biting the snow and of course panting alot. He just loves the snow...it`s his first year with snow. Cricket loves the snow as well....she so has a hard time going thru that much snow... sorry I didn`t get a picture of that.

This is such a perfect snow angel that my youngest made today.....they got to have a snow day....and probably will be tomorrow as well...not for sure. The youngest has cheerleader practice tomorrow...I so hope they have school.
We are expecting another round according to the weather man sunday into monday
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