This is the farm`s newest member to the family... Cricket, my oldest daughter`s dashund pup. She is about 8 weeks old and is a sweetheart. She so likes to snuggle, or rather loves too. She loves both girls so much. She is starting to get length on her, not very much height. She was the runt of the litter, so I am hoping she won`t get that big.
she was so lost without the girls yesterday, since it was the first day back from the Christmas/New Year break, when they got home, she wouldn`t let them out of her site, lol. I took her to school when I went and picked them up and she was so happy and so was the girls.The afghan she is laying on, is one of the girls and is since now Cricket`s. Last night my youngest was carrying cricket around all snug in the afghan like a little baby and saying look at my baby, lol
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