Monday, July 8, 2013

alittle gardening and alot of chickens

 I have been picking blackberries about every morning, about a quart each day. the above picture is of a briar in my garden...waiting for them to turn black, this briar is just so full of berries. I have been getting a few green beans as well , but not enough for a mess yet, so I have been putting them in the freezer when I get them and when I get a quart will fix them. I picked first yellow squash this morning. I am watering my garden every morning ....we so need some rain, a slow steady rain not a storm.
Flowers are still blooming somewhat, watering those as well, sorry I didn`t get a picture of those on here today. Only one of the roses has a bloom on it right now, the marigolds are blooming away though.

                                                              On to the chickens
                                                            one of the welsummer hens

                                  This is Eddie, don`t know what kind he is, but love his comb.

                                          This is a pair of silkie mix, that I was gonna rehome, but decided on keeping them...the roos is very pretty....further down is a pic of their offspring that I hatched out...different color.

             This is Attitude, don`t know if he will stay here or not, he has a attitude and tries to get me everytime I put my hand in the pen....first cochin I have had with this problem.

I have decided to build up my cochin chicken this year, don`t have that many and I so love my cochins.

                                    Black bantam cochin chick , I picked up at farmers market
                                     They also had a blue cochin chick, only one they had, I put them with a broody hen, that insists on setting where the other chickens are laying.

                               This is Bert, my Columbian cochin bantam, don`t know how I got this color, but I am guessing he is from my birchen roo, I had .He was raised here

                                                    Birchen cochin, she is in with Bert.
                                                      Raised here.

                This hen is also in with bert, I do believe she is considered a Columbian as well.
                                                                        raised here

                                This is a black cochin roo that I have, he was raised here

                             This hen is with the black roo, she was also raised here
                           she has gold feathering around neck leaking thru the black

                             Here is two little chicks that Was hatched this year...a chocolate one and the other one is from the silkie mix pair., Wondering what color they will be.
         This is a cochin chick, from the Bert and his two hens, don`t know really what hen it was from . 
Here is a calico , I picked up at a local swap meet , I got this little one with a blue hen , it has 4 brothers and sisters with frizzling on some of them.
Well I guess that is enough for now......
Everyone keep cool out there , summer has returned here.

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