Tuesday, May 6, 2014

new pet, irises are blooming....others

This is Beauty , our new rabbit, black beauty is her name, just got her yesterday....I know I should have waited to breed her, but couldn't find anything on how long you need to wait when you first get a doe rabbit, So I bred her to Moe, lionhead buck who has Siamese coloring.

Here is my youngest daughters baby bunnies, they are approximately about 3 weeks old...Daddy was Moe, thinking about keeping one of the calicos...she had a total of 7 , we lost one this past week, it was so tiny.....

Some of the baby chicks that I am keeping back as of right now, might rehome a few once they are grown or put in the freezer depending on what they are.....there is Columbian bantam cochins, and some out of my Blue/Splash bantam cochin pen, a couple of EE for my youngest and a few egg layers in there as well....and two buff bantam cochins.
I have turned the heat lamp off during these very warm days, some are almost feathered out and ready to move them out of where I got them at , as soon as a pen is build, never ending project here, lol

                                        Here is one of the Columbian bantam cochin chicks

                                                            Now on to the garden............

       one of my Blackberry  are blooming, I looked at the patch I usually go and pick at, and the farmer has either sprayed or mowed them down....so I will only be picking from the garden this year, I guess. The other blackberries in the garden that are big enough to bloom are beginning to bloom as well.

                     One of the 3 tomato planters I have....decided to plant them in a pot this year
                                                                        so far

My irises are blooming and thinking about it here.....just love my irises....

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