Sunday, February 27, 2011

busy week ahead...and other things

This week will be busy, not to say the last week wasn`t, of course it wasn`t busy as compared to this coming weeks. Let`s see, what all is on the schedule for this week, a visit to the clinic in town to pick some x-rays, then a appt with the youngest speech teacher ( a new iep), then a doctor app in the big city, another trip to town to drop off x-rays, then the quilt shop hop is this next weekend. busy,busy busy. The quilt shop hop is so much fun though and the other things are a must. Oh yea need to bake cupcakes as per oldest daughter`s request , it is her favorite person`s birthday.....drum roll please..justin bieber`s birthday....My oldest daughter is gaga over him as with all of the other young girls out there, except my youngest who just likes some of his songs and not at all gaga, I am sure her time will come when we get closer to being a teenager ,lol. I sure hope Justin likes chocolate , as that is what the cupcakes will be, if he only knew, lol. If she were to meet him, she would probably run and hide, lol. So, Justin if you happen to read this my oldest daughter is a big fan.

Last year Me and mom took the quilt shop hop in one day , this year we will be doing it in two days, nine shops in one day is alot of traveling. As was last year their will be a quilt pattern specific to the shop hop. Lat year is was leaves and a barn pattern to embroidery, in which I don`t have done....I have been working on the barn the last few days. I have not done any of the peiced blocks as of yet. This year the I will only get the pattern for the quilt as the kit with the fabric varies from shop to shop and money is low this as I am not working except as a mom to two beautiful girls. I will try and post some pictures of the shops .Last year each shop did the their blocks different, this year it will be one big quilt and just broken up into nine sections as I understand it.

One of the silkie hens have been given me an egg every other day, I just wish the others would take the hint, then the incubators can get up and running again. I have two silkie hens, not of show quaility , but pretty none the less. I have several hens with red combs. The muscovey hens are scoping out areas to start laying, at least the ones the free range. I might try this year and get a new drake, as most of the hens except maybe one our chocolates offspring.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Family.....other ramblings

I thought I would blog about families. This past week , I lost one of my Uncle Wayne, who didn`t live a very chrisitan life. In which I am not gonna get in to, as it would be long and drawn out. I remember from my childhood how both sides of my families were close, they would have dinner about every weekend. I do admit that most of the time we did spend time with my paternal grandparents, but we also spent time with the maternal as well. Both sides used to get together regularity. Now, they don`t for whatever reason, somebody said someone`s wife went out with whoever or something was said. I have cousins on both sides, that I remember from when they were little and now they are grown and have childrens of their own. It just seems that families are as close to one another and it is a shame that we can only get together and remember the past during a funeral or something tragic like that. I know families are widespread across the country , as I have relatives in Arkansas and as well as Kansas and Tennessee among other places.
It just saddens me that families have to get together on these occasions and that we don`t stay in touch with one another. I know a few are on Facebook , and I do keep in contact with them that way, but it is not the same as seeing them face to face. I know we have our own lifes , but we should connect with the past and the families that are a part of that or show pictures of other people that were once family and no longer are , such as divorces that took place, as those people were part of the family once and for whatever reason they are no longer part, but still are thought of, if everybody knows what I am talking about , I am sure that every family has those members in the family that go from one person to another. but then again that would be arkward for some of those involved .

I have so enjoyed the weather that last few days....70s even though the wind has been blowing like crazy. Oh the March winds, ok I know it is February, but I wonder if we are getting March winds in February will be getting April showers in March, I wonder.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

no title really.....

Sunday, my hubby and I went to the big city of Springfield , You can say somewhat of a date and I realized, I am so glad we live where we do. I mean the city is a nice place to visit with the various places to shop and the wide variety of places to eat, and different things to do. But I wouldn`t trade our small town living for anything. In the city , things move at a faster pace then the small towns, yes we still have a micky D`s and even a Wally world. I know I did grow up in the city, big Kansas City and love it to an extent, but I so love the country and the slower pace that it is. We do not compete with others in the community, we embrace our neighbors and we all lend a helping hand when it is needed, if we know the need is there...for example when our youngest was diagnosed with Leukemia,neighbors came out of the woodwork to lend a hand...even the local Pizza Hut gave my hubby and oldest daughter a free pizza while I was with my youngest in St louis getting her starting on the treatments that were important. The community came together and had a benefit in her honor and I seen how much this community cares. I do not think if we live in a big city they would have done that. It dawn on me how lucky we are to be living in the small community we do live in and that everyone should know this type of comminuty where we help one another out when need it used to be when our great country was founded.

I have been enjoying the sunny weather, I have tooken a walk the last few days and basked in the sunshine, it is so nice to get out of the house and enjoy the nice weather . My hubby is just waiting to hear the peeper frogs at night. I have not had a siting of a robin as of yet , but I am looking for them. Everybody have a glorouis day that the GOD has made...mud and all

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sunshine, Glory to be sunshine....

Need I say more then beautiful sunshine for here in the ozarks and temps to match 60s and 70s this weekend and all next week. Both the carriers that are in the house are getting a good cleaning and airing out. I seen last week, Princess the chihuahua ( my dainty girl) buring a crust from bread in her and trixie`s carrier. My youngest daughter don`t like the crust on the bread , so the chihuahua get it or sometimes the muscovey ( part of my clean-up crew,lol.) The rabbits , Are going out of the garage and getting underneath clean as well today or maybe monday.That is all for today , as I am gonna enjoy the weather.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ramblings.... I am alittle delirious from the snow....

I think the white stuff was pretty this morning and it is finally doing some melting...yayayayay. It looked like sparkling diamonds....Ok maybe not that pretty....I am so glad it is finally melting some , due to the big bright thing in the sky today.....oooh sun how have I missed you...with your warmth and melting of this white stuff. I know I am delirious...ohh how pretty is the snow melting...just beautiful, beautiful. I hope and pray this is the last of the snow at least. The girls say no......way mom...we need to pray for more snow.....I say nooooooo. The youngest is not looking forward on going back to school, which will be next week hopefully, I do love them but keeping them busy and is another thing and not fussing with one another is another. They can and have had some fights.....the younger one sitting on the oldest and pulling hair. It is soo nice to be a referee sometimes. any who!

Funny site , I just have to tell...The muscovey hens have been flying around the yard and when they landed they would slide alitttle before this last bout of white stuff funny. They hang around under the bird feeder and pick up what the bird knock out...Their is one bird that knocks out alot of feed, kicks out what he don`t like you know.....A couple of the hens did think about hitting the suet feeders , but never could figure out how to get to them,lolol

The Chickens don`t like this white stuff either, some of refuse to come out. Some of them I notice the combs are getting red....which means eggs soon.....

I hope everyone has a good day and to those that have snow, I hope alot of melting goes on...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Freezer door opened again.... and ramblings

Here in the ozarks ..someone left the freezer door opened again, it has turned bitter cold. The last few days have been nice and some melting was done, but not enough. We can see the ground in some places. I took a walk yesterday, it was so nice, of course still had my cover-alls on...still nice and no wind blowing. Today is another story all together...the wind is blowing out of the north and it is brrrrrr cold outside and I have seen a few snow flakes now and again and we are expecting more in the next few days and the temp is suppose to dip down in the single digits again and it is slicker then snot.....I know gross ,but it`s old saying and true as of today.
I think it is gonna be a muddy mess when this stuff melts off and the girls porbably won`t go back to school until next week.
Our female cat or rather my oldest cat is searching for a fella ..I guess she don`t like Spunky, at least that is what we discovered last night ...a big beautiful grey and white cat was here visiting her. oh the thoughts of spring with kittens...........of course baby chicks and ducks. I don`t have my incubator up and running as of yet...I am thinking sometime in March , I may get it up and running. The first part of March is the next quilt shop hop..The same shops as last year..we are planning to take two days this year as of right now. Last year we didn`t win a thing ,but it was fun. This year will be the third year in doing the shop hop, just like last year their will be a quilt pacific to the barns this time, I think it will be a piece quilt, but not for sure as I have not seen the quilt, just the fabric, In which I don`t remember the colors,.....but they was pretty. I have not finished last years quilt yet or the year before, but hey it`s fun to get these patterns . I guess I`m just like my mom , she always has more then one quilt going at a time. She doesn`t crochet, just quilts and embroiderys. I have made my oldest a peace quilt , hopefully this year , I can get it quilted and give it to her for her birthday or maybe Christmas.
I am still researching goats and am thinking about the kinder goats, I so love the floppy ears and the size will much better then the bigger goats. I would love to start from scratch with a nubian and a pygmy, but I need to get the fence situation in order to get any goats. Since the tornadoa of 2009 wiped out the electric in our garage, can`t put up electric fence, so I don`t know as of yet and still need to get my hubby sold on the idea of having goats. Well that is enough of rambling for one day. Everybody have a good day!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

we missed the bullet......

What I mean by that title is ,that we got mostly sleet and just alittle snow to mix in with that. Of course a little freezing rain with that. We got a total of 2 inches of slippery mess and about 1 inch of fluffy white stuff on top of the slippery mess. Thank GOD, it wasn`t all freezing rain, even though some of the tree limbs are leaning a bit, I think we would have had a power outage....I was prepared for that....12 milk jugs filled with water and enough food to last. We had a blizzard of sleet here on the farm instead of dealing with the bitter cold air...13 high today and I am not thinking about the wind chill which will be somewhere below 0, besides alittle wind too. I am sooooo ready for spring to come around. The weatherman is forecasting chance for more snow sunday and monday....oh what joy!
I will say our road is icy and I haven`t been down it...looks slick. i have been out to do morning chores and someplaces was very slick and others well just say drifts of snow. The sun is shining as of right now.....I would say the groundhog saw his shadow today.....I seriously don`t think he would come out of his hole in the ground just to look`s too darn cold to out there. Ok maybe he might of stuck his nose out then turn around and burrowed down deep again and curled up to get his body warm again. At least that is what the inside dogs did, they didn`t want no part of it....I had to make them go outside to potty. Well, I am gonna go and cuddle up to get alittle warm.