Saturday, March 29, 2014

What to do when it nice outside.?....

One answer to the question

Pick this up yesterday in the Big City, went out and plant them today since it is nice outside ....yes, it rained here last night...I played in the mud alittle today....later on in this post I give a pic of these planted.

Also picked up some strawberries, I got these 10% off...we went to Kmart that is closing soon and their merchandise  is all on marked down...I just had to get me a plant you know ...I chose Strawberries...I do so hope they come up....I love strawberries over Angel food cake.

I also picked up a Blackberry briar....just love my blackberries......Love to pick the way the wild gooseberries are starting to leaf out in this area....don`t have any gooseberries in my garden, I don't eat very many of them.....

A leaf broke off the blackberry plant so,...I planted it....hoping that it will root and produce another one so I can plant it.

Day lilies that I got yesterday planted....they was in the dark green packaging....the rose planted here in the red-white one....I think these day lilies will look good here.....

Grape vine is planted that I had gotten a few weeks ago...I hope it don't frost again...decided to stake this one....Green grapes....a 2 year old plant.....

Their is a grape vine planted here as well....It looks like it has some buds on it...the other one further down the fence row ...don't know if it made it thru the winter or wasn`t very big.
I hope so, if not I don't know if I want to plant one there again or not.....

Lettuce coming up

                                                                      Radishes coming up..

                                                         Green onions coming up

The possum that the crazy heeler killed last night, I hope this is the varmit that has gotten 2 of my chickens.....he is such a good dog...

My fist hatch of the season.........I know it isn't very many.......I only had about a dozen eggs in the bator....three of these are partridge bantam cochins.....

Here is a updated pic of baby bunnies....these are the part dwarfs, sad to say the others died...I rebred the doe back so hopefully will have some more baby bunnies next month....

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I did it.........Garden...roses

Thought I would post a picture of some of the daffodils that are blooming right now...I have a few of them in bloom....
I did it...title refers to me planting roses in the garden...I planted them before our last snow...I know I should have waited....the above pic is the two variety's of climbing roses I planted...I originally wanted pink and white one , but came home with these two.

                                                   this one is the Maid of Honor rose

                                                        This one is golden shower rose
                                 I think they will work well together once they start climbing
                     a blend of colors similar to each other...........Maid of honor has some hints of
                   yellow on it............their was a couple of other climbing roses I looked at as well,
          I will wait until clearance time and see what they have left.

                       These are the other two I brought home with many roses to choose from...
                      Can not wait until they bloom...........

                                                           This one is Snowfire rose.......
                                                       My oldest helped pick it out.
                                   Back behind this rose is irises and a lilac bush...
                                           that is starting to bud out...not done with this bed
                        Planning on transplanting a day Lillie on each side of the rose bush
                                                so it can be like the other corner.................

                                           This one is Golden Glow rose.........yellow or rather
                                       bright yellow, I wanted a yellow one.........
                 these roses were my valentine`s present from my hubby............

                           This bed is where the Golden glow rose is planted.....It is going to be sunflowers, daisy's in this bed along with some black eyed susans I found last week ..just haven`t planted them yet...I am working mulching this bed before I plant them...When I planted the roses over the weekend , I put mulch around them hopefully this past cold snap didn't do anything to them.....
I have been working on this bed in the morning , then in the afternoon working on the quilt block...until I get to hurting to bad and stop working on it...

Monday, March 17, 2014


I thought I might update you on the 2011 times and seasons quilt I am working goes the blocks that are done...
 First off is October`s block...title of this block The Three Wise Guys....beading and sequins on this block...Bible verse with the block pattern..." But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle and easy to be in treated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy...James 3:17

Next is January.. I don't think I am quite done with this block, I think it needs some little grass sticking up out of the snow....Good Morning Master is the title of this block.

Next is November`s block...Come One, Come All....mice...the Bible scripture is Romans 8: 18-25
more beading and some ribbon embroidery as well

                                 This one is September`s Block... Barnyard Adoration....
                         both the cat and dog is looking in the sky at the star....

       This is the block for August..." Goodnight My King...I am not really happy with one of the lions...can you guess which one?

                                            This is the center block...Do you see what I see.....

             This is the block I am working on at the moment...December`s....Holly-lu-jah....Lots of Hollies on this block...the small holly berries are done in felt....I realize I cant cut a perfect circle with these little circles of holly berries, even though I do trace the circles off the pattern...O his eyes I am perfect....Yes, I am sewing each small piece on each block......a lot of work....I work on this when I have time...and there is my eyes can barely see to thread my needle ...

Thursday, March 13, 2014

results...and alittle gardening

Well yesterday was the mammogram and ultra sound. First off  what I went thru yesterday, then the results ...then a little gardening. can`t do with out that you know. First off, I got there and put on the little half gown and asked to go wait until they call my name for the first pictures, ( Mammogram)....there was a lot of other women there as well....I seen one come out crying , as a woman you just know what those results were...then my name was called.....they took pictures of both breasts, when the tech got to the left one, it smarted just a tat. ..( I had took a couple of advils before hand)....then off to the waiting room again...Then they the doctor needed more views of both breast...this time it really did hurt on the left one as the paddle things were clamped tighter, at least that is what I thought....I did see the previous pictures...then back to the waiting room....then my name was called and they did an ultrasound on the left ...then the doctor came and told me the results.
The right breast has some small calcifications in it and gonna need to recheck in 6 months, the right has a fibrocystic mass....You need to take  600 mg of ibuprofen, a vitamin E and a Evening primrose pill once a day...Take the ibuprofen for about 2 weeks and if the pain isn't any better go to the your provider, the pain is probably in the chest wall, has nothing to do with the breast....and where was the lump that the nurse felt at , cause he couldn't find it, go back to her and see if she can still feel it in about a couple of weeks to a month...At least it wasn`t bad on what I thought...he said the purple breast was probably poor circulation, I have never heard of poor circulation in the breast, I have seen in it feet , but not breast ( I have worked as a CNA in nursing homes).

Now on to the gardening, and little bunnies....

my cattle panel turned archway into the top half of the garden, I think it looks pretty to get some climbing roses to put on each side, don't know what color of roses I want....maybe pink or white...????? am planning on building a bench or chair of some kind and putting next to the cooler...and having sunflowers, daisies and the like behind the bench.....maybe a yellow rose bush as well....
                                                  this is a picture of a lilac, I transplants
                                       I had dug up some young starts from the lilac in the yard.
                        planning on planting this area like the one below..

        Here is one of the corners in the top part of the garden...In this area  a lilac in the back, then two irises then the rose I transplanted out of the yard since the youngest keeps running into it when her and daddy are throwing the football around ( my tomboy)...then on both sides is a daylily , then in front I plant hostas......Don't know what low planting I can put in front of the hostas, maybe some marigolds or something like that......
                                            Here is another lilac start. From the corner above
              a couple of Century /yucca plants I transplant out of the front yard...these are on the side of the corner up above with the rose and the lilac ....on the other side of them will be another rose bush and of course more flowers/herbs maybe...

      two different views of the rows of blackberries, I moved so my hubby can have the gate where he wants between each blackberry bush is a iris plant.......along my fence I made from wire....
                                           sorry I forgot I put this one on here already...enjoy it again, lol

   two new vegetable beds , as soon as I get the dirt...I am gonna try and lay cardboard down then put the dirt on top try and prevent the weed/grass from coming up...
                                                   just some tulips ready to bloom
                                              one of the beds that are planted...square foot gardening bed.
                    trying it this year with this onions, lettuce and radishes are planted here...

                          I just divided this bed in half, more green onions and radishes...did I mention I like radishes.....I would eventually like to put strawberries in this bed....I like strawberries too.

                                              now lets look at some bunnies......
                               These are my oldest bunnies, part dwarf ...her little dwarf bunny has 4
                                three black and 1 spotted.....a lot of hair she pulled.

                     these are the youngest daughter bunnies...7 of them....part giant and part lion head...
          black, white, grey looks like now ...just have to wait and see what they turn out like...

Well everyone talk to ya later.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

so ready to garden.....

 What to do on a rainy day....plan your garden area.....or go take a few pictures outside in between the rain drops...
                                                Here are some tulips and Daffodils coming up
that I dug up and replanted can`t wait until they start blooming!..
                                              the start of my beaded fence....blackberry bushes will be planted along this fence....can`t wait....
                                just a few plants,bulbs that need to be planted soon besides the you can see I am sooooo ready to plant....hopefully I will get some of these in the ground this weekend or sometime next week....I need to get the onions and radish seeds in the ground before the 17.

                                my bator is up and running...only about a dozen eggs are in there

                   We have the two doe rabbits due this coming Monday....both have pulled some hair to make a nest for their babies, this box is the bigger one ....Red acorn...bred her to the Moe( lion head)..

This screech owl was in one of my cochin pens this past week.....I was surprised to it in the pen...was first thinking , I know I didn't put any other chickens in this pen ,...where did the extra bird come from ,......then noticed it was a owl!...I yelled get the camera, I just had to take a picture of it.
Well enough for now...everyone have a blessed day!
I will try and post more next week after my appointment