Saturday, March 29, 2014

What to do when it nice outside.?....

One answer to the question

Pick this up yesterday in the Big City, went out and plant them today since it is nice outside ....yes, it rained here last night...I played in the mud alittle today....later on in this post I give a pic of these planted.

Also picked up some strawberries, I got these 10% off...we went to Kmart that is closing soon and their merchandise  is all on marked down...I just had to get me a plant you know ...I chose Strawberries...I do so hope they come up....I love strawberries over Angel food cake.

I also picked up a Blackberry briar....just love my blackberries......Love to pick the way the wild gooseberries are starting to leaf out in this area....don`t have any gooseberries in my garden, I don't eat very many of them.....

A leaf broke off the blackberry plant so,...I planted it....hoping that it will root and produce another one so I can plant it.

Day lilies that I got yesterday planted....they was in the dark green packaging....the rose planted here in the red-white one....I think these day lilies will look good here.....

Grape vine is planted that I had gotten a few weeks ago...I hope it don't frost again...decided to stake this one....Green grapes....a 2 year old plant.....

Their is a grape vine planted here as well....It looks like it has some buds on it...the other one further down the fence row ...don't know if it made it thru the winter or wasn`t very big.
I hope so, if not I don't know if I want to plant one there again or not.....

Lettuce coming up

                                                                      Radishes coming up..

                                                         Green onions coming up

The possum that the crazy heeler killed last night, I hope this is the varmit that has gotten 2 of my chickens.....he is such a good dog...

My fist hatch of the season.........I know it isn't very many.......I only had about a dozen eggs in the bator....three of these are partridge bantam cochins.....

Here is a updated pic of baby bunnies....these are the part dwarfs, sad to say the others died...I rebred the doe back so hopefully will have some more baby bunnies next month....

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