Thursday, August 15, 2013

Summer is winding down....

Not much happening here on the farm . The garden is winding down , after all that rain the squash is no more as u can see from below picture. I pulled it up and put in compost area.

The beans and the Cherry tomatoes are still producing.....I go out about every other day and pick almost a bucket full of those cherry tomatoes and green beans. I have been snapping them and putting in the freezer, am planning on canning a few of them for this fall, hopefully I will get to them next week, it`s been busy around here lately.

I finally figured out what I wanted in my toilet ....mums...local store finally had this morning when went to town and pick these up....I think they will fill up nicely next year, I know they will be fall color, But it will be very pretty.

                                             The mums I got last year, are starting to bloom.

                                                    Now lets look at the marigolds!

             I am thinking that the bottom cannas will not be planted in this place next year unless I make the bed deeper then it is this year....something to work on.
                                 Just one of the surprise lilies that I have coming up this year

Finally got a glass bottle in the cooler planter, hoping to find a few more.
Now I think I need to find an old sink or tub for the garden, yes, just an old hillbilly garden here, lol.
Now on to a few animals
                                              Elizabeth hatched out 17 babies, different colors

                                                I hatched this out of the incubator, a wee little cochin mix chick. After the next bunch , only cochins hatch this bator will be put up for the winter....I hate to do it, but I will have hard time keeping the little chicks warm, not to say we won`t be having more babies here....I have two ducks setting and another one starting to lay again to hatch out....

Little Miss Mary was just wanting her picture taken, boy has she grown since the last pic.
School has started here , both girls are in school, different schools. I am glad they started on the same day. The youngest always gets a little upset when the oldest doesn`t go for a few days.
The oldest is playing volleyball this year, can`t believe she is a junior this year, whew where has the time gone .Practice has started and is every day, she is so sore from the looking forward to her games...she is not my athletic one.......
Everyone have a beautiful day!

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