Monday, September 17, 2012

a look around....

Can you imagine this is Tippy, all grown up
This is Lavender and two of her babies, that we have kept so far. my oldest daughter does have them named ,but for the life of me ,can`t remember what the names are, I know it has something to Hunger Games movie.
Sparkles and two, one she has adopted and is really no hers, survivor and another I don`t know what the name is, hunger games character name.
                                                              Heart and Stripes

My pumpkin vines have gotten out of hand, not too many pumpkins....note to self only plant one seed .
 the biggest pumpkin on the vine so far, Ohhh I hope it does get bigger...

can you imagine , pumpkin pie, or should I say jack-o-lantern first!

Don`t know what kind the next flowers are , but I do think they are pretty, they grow wild along the creek bank , close to the house.

Some of the persimmons are looking alittle ripe yet though , no frost here yet.
Their is still some green ones on the tree though
A couple of the treees are loaded with them as you can see, from the above picture
just another picture of a lone persimmon........
 I think the thistle flowers are so pretty, even though they are ouch to touch! lol

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