Wednesday, June 9, 2010

more ducks,more varmits

Well mascara hatched out yesterday with a total of 12, three eggs didn`t hatch out ,all chocolate and white in color. I sold three of them to a lady who has a duck that has been setting for 6 weeks and not hatching anything.
Lavender hatched out a total of 15 , varing in color from chocolate and white, black and white, grey and white. I have sold 7 of them to a lady who bought from me last year, she took all of the chocolate and white except for 1 little one.I think biggest part of the rest will be drakes ,except for the wee little one.Muscovey babies are easy to detect whether male or female by their size ,the larger ones are almost always a drake and the smaller ones are hens. The next to hatch out is elizabeth, she has 15 eggs under her. Taylor and Carrie are now laying as well. Carrie is on the other side of the tree trunk that mascara was setting. Taylor is more close in ,she is in a crate I have used for a chicken pen.
Funny law in norfold ,virginia It is illegal for hens to lay an egg before 8 am and after 4 pm during the day, I just heard this on the radio.I wonder if they told the hens that lol.
A coon has gotten two my chickens in the last 4 days. A little red rooster and a red hen.The rooster was in a separate pen, both were mixes . The red rooster was a favorite of my oldest. Both pens were dog kennel pens with out a top. The coon had crawled over the pen and took the chicken and crawled back over the pen and ate them.We found the carcass of both chickens.
I just posted three recipes on my other blog Hillybilly annie`s kitchen. I posted crazy meatloaf and crazy cake which is good with out frosting, along with bacon cheese bubble loaf.
My husband just got the cemetary mowing job, he had this back in 2008. He does such a good job in mowing it. This same cemetary is where our son ,Cody is buried. I will post on him in another blog.


  1. That law...I wonder how they enforced that! What was the punishment for the law breaking chickens,lol!
