Wednesday, March 14, 2012

spring, spring.....spring.....

This bed is not full of flowers, but green onion sets. Last year , I put tomato plants here.

Double daffodils , aren`t they pretty. these were some that I had replanted a few years ago. These were actually in the bottom part of the two acres,where their is alot of rocks, needless to say I moved them somewhere I can enjoy seeing them instead of in the field, now in the yard.

Our wild peach tree is in bloom, this photo was taken today.

I just thought this was a pretty site as well, the clouds in the background just set this picture .

And last , but not least, a picture of frog eggs, I know not really spring yet, but hey, look frog eggs....that means soon tadpoles.....then frogs. The peeper frogs are out in full swing, just peeping away. My muscovies are laying and I do believe thinking about setting already, at least in one of the nest, there`s at least 15-18 eggs, of course that is with two laying in the same spot. Then another nest that i have found has 4-6 eggs in it. ( my muscovies free -range, so I have to hunt for the nest, and watch them close.)

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