Wednesday, November 21, 2012

my banty Cochins

 ok I thought I might show a post on my banty cochins, I really don`t know what color you would call this rooster , but he is one of the hatch from this past spring...maybe a calico??????
                              This is a golden lace ...rooster, of course I do have a hen that goes with him , but you she is occupied with a baby of sorts......from this years hatch.
                        Here is another rooster of course, solid black and also from this years hatch.
                 I think this one might be a buff columbian but not for sure...also this years hatch.
               This is a columbian , he is such a big rooster, he is from last years hatch, don`t know how I turned out with this color...I wished I knew.....I have him paired with hen below.
                 I hatched out one from these two this year, not saying that they laid only one egg, but that is the only one that hatched out in this color....I think their were out my big birchin color rooster that I had and something got........
                        I really don`t know what color this one is either...but ain`t her head beautiful...the golden colors and the rest of her is black.....
               Here is my one and only birchen color cochin, like I said before I did have birchen color rooster but something got him....
Here is the Golden lace oldest said the other day that she is not a chicken...she cross the road while my hubby was pulling out of the driveway headed to

That is all my cochins in the banty variety.

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