Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rainy day projects.....other ramblings

It is pouring down rain today here in the ozarks and possible storms are expect here tonight. With it raining outside it is a good time to work on some projects in which I have started, my baltimore afghan, and yes , it is still going and getting heavy with each row. I have been working on it at night, I am over half-way done with just the afghan part, when I get back to making each block design I will start posting pictures of each block again.
The quilt projects are quite a few, let`s see, their is the buck-a-block which I am doing in both colors ( mauve and white, purple and white); then the barn quilt from last years quilt shop hop ( I am embroidering it the blocks) this quilt has also fall leaf block as well, another barn quilt , in which ewach block has ribbon embroidery and applicate things on it, their is a block for each month and I am making two of them and am only on block March; a rabbit quilt that is embrodiered. I know alot of projects, I will get them done one of these days. The buck-a-block is a month by month project that my mom and I signed up for from the ozark quilt shop , sew simple. these buck-a-blocks are so simple to do and easy as well, they use thangles, in which is but half-triangles patterns. Using thangles are a easy way to half-triangles.
The shop hop barn quilt is very time-consuming as the I have to trace the barn pattern onto the fabric and then embrodery it in the colors of my choosing, I will be working on this when the youngest has the next doctor`s appointment in April, in which it will be all day appointment, she will be having a neuropysh test, she has been having trouble with comprehending after she reads a chapter book ( a book with chapters in it). This is a late effect from the chemo that she took.
Anyway I will probably be working on the other barn quilt as well, as February and March are ready for the embroidery part of the block. So I think I will get off of here and get busy with my rainy day projects

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