Thursday, February 18, 2010

is it spring yet....

What is that big bright thing in the sky....oh yea that`s the sun, I almost forgot what it looks like. I moved some chickens around today, The 4 maran cross to one of my duck pens, that aready had about 3 chickens in there. I think 2 of them are roosters....oh well they are pretty to look at.I got a total of 2 eggs today, one from the golden lace cochin and 1 from the barred cochin pen that also has a white frizzle hen.I am saving eggs again for the incubator, hopefully it won`t turn colder again here.I am thinking about ordering some chicks from the local mfa, but I really haven`t decided what breed I want, I know I don`t want the barred rock or the black sex link. I am thinking a mix of buff orphington and Rhode island red and production red.

1 comment:

  1. We have buff orpingtons,they are really great chickens! Good layers of big eggs and nice big gentle birds.
