Thursday, January 14, 2010


Well, tonight started the 5 and 6 grade basketball season, Both of my girls are cheerleaders, the youngest is a junior cheerleader. During the halftime dance, which was to miley cyrus hoedown throw down, she was laughing and having fun.The younger team (3 and 4 grade) lost the game to skyline. The girls won their game. We didn`t stay to watch the boys play.
It was so amazing to see the youngest cheer, I never thought she would.She was diagnosed with Leukemia aobut 5 years ago, we are still in remission.In which I am very happy and feel blessed everyday by this miracle that GOD brought into our lives.Parents with healthy children have no idea.Me and my husband have lost a son who was almost three when he past.So when we found out our young daugther had Leukemia was like the bottom fell out from under us.So we treat each day as a blessing. Thank GOD the that Leukemia was the common type, which has an 87% cure rate.

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